Global Nomadic Art Project - Korea II 2015 _Seminar & Round –table
페이지 정보
작성일Date 15-08-30 10:47
Seminar & Round –table 세미나 및 간담회
29th Sat 14:00 Seminar
Nature art movement in the world
- GNAP 2015-2018(Ri, Eung-woo)
- GNAP-India 2015 (Bhavin Mistry)
- GNAP-Africa 2016( Janet Botes)
- GNAP-Iran 2016(Behzad nadalian)
- Baggat Art (Kim, Yong-min)
- Magamnews (Lee, Jong-kyun)
- YATOO-I Project (Jeon, Won-gil)
- Nature Art in the world (Yooryehan)
29th Sat 18:00 Round –table
What was it like to take part GNAPKorea
II 2015?