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    This is the program of this year's Biennale event.

    Shelter in the Forest Ⅱ Cube Exhibition Nature Art Symposium

    Shelter in the Forest Ⅱ Exhibition

    ‘Shelter in the ForestⅡ’ exhibition is a project in which nature artists create shelters on the forest of Yeonmisan. This exhibition which realized by the artistic imagination of nature artists will serve as an artistic shelter that protects against the tempestuous rain and wind in the reality of today.

    Exhibition ThemeShelter in the Forest Ⅱ
    Exhibition PeriodOutdoor Exhibition: August 24 - November 30, 2024
    Exhibition VenuesYeonmisan Nature Art Park, Geumgang Nature Art Center
    Artists18 Artists (16 Teams) from 12 Countries
    Participating Artists
    Anni Snyman, PC Janse van Rensburg South Africa
    Chinzorig Ryenchin-ochir Mongolia
    Emanuela Camacci Italy
    Goran Štimac Croatia
    Jordi NN Spain
    Jung Jangjig Korea
    Ko Seunghyun Korea
    Lee Jaehwang Korea
    Nung Kittisak Thailand
    Park Injin Korea
    Peter Pal Romania
    Pierre Guilloteau France
    Rumen Dimitrov Bulgaria
    Soeine Bac Canada
    Tserendorj Tsogtbayar, Tuvshinjargal Lkhasuren Mongolia
    Vasilis Vasili Greece/Canada

    Nature Art Video Exhibition ‘Forest and Life’

    As a symbol of nature, forest is a place where lives are conceived and growing. Forest awakes human beings to the precious value of living together with nature. Forest provides us with endless energy and products. The fresh air, clean water, fertile soil, trees and fruits that grow in the forest, and all sorts of animals who inhabit there, naturally live together in harmony. In the beginning, it must be the peaceful world where everything was growing and flourishing based on this harmony. That must be the cosmos where everything from apex predators to subordinate invisible microorganism was complying with the laws of nature. However, the advance of human cognitive ability, natural science, and industries objectified nature and destroyed forest under the guise of forest development. As human’s desire made a mistake of going against the laws of nature, human beings faced the fatal revenge from nature in other way around. Such severe natural disasters or an unheard-of pandemic could be self-contradiction of humans who went against the laws of nature. For some reason, the bees that should spread pollen have recently vanished. This is the result of destroying the ecosystem. In the ecosystem, all the lives form their own balance and homeostasis in the process of being born, growing, and extincting. This process does not just mean simple changes in physical aspect. There is a death in a birth while a new life dwells in an extinction. Forest has the water, air, and soil that vitalize every life, so it not only gives a life to human, but also heals, comforts, and shelters exhausted humans. It is so natural that we forget its value. If a single little movement is stopped, lost, or artificially manipulated, a massive hardship would be caused in human life.

    The Geumgang Nature Art Biennale has broadened the horizons of nature art by handling various discourses on nature and ecology. The theme of this year is ‘rewilding’, which begins from a thought of cognizing nature again as the wild state. Beyond the passive and artificial attitude of handling nature as an object of protection or management, it aims to experience the sound of nature as it is and also to dream of its recovery. It would be necessary to look back on our attitude of invading and locking up nature based on our limited thinking. The destroyed forest for building a dam in a river for the smooth supply of water for agriculture, and installing the photovoltaic power generation system for the reduction of carbon emission, ciceronically tells us our mistake. It takes an unbelievably long time to restore the ecosystem and lives whose habitat has been destroyed by logging or forest fire.

    The tasks we have might include discovering lives from nature we destroyed, finding some unexpected sounds or figures of lives in nature, harmonizing with nature based on them, inviting the lives who left the forest because of human’s desire, and helping the forest conceive new and healthy lives. Such tasks could just end up in an ideological flow, but we can simply start participating in dialogues with nature by thinking and experiencing after stopping for a moment in the complex and busy reality. Under this purpose, the theme of the Video Exhibition is ‘Forest and Life’. Hopefully, this could be a chance to expand the discourse of rewilding through video languages to find, experience, and share various secret stories of healthy lives in forest ecology and nature.

    Exhibition PeriodAugust 27 - November 30, 2022
    Exhibition VenuesNeulbom Botanical Garden
    Artists50 Teams (51 Artists) from 24 Countries
    ArtistsAda Tsiropoulou / Greeceles Fujak_Olivier Huet, Margrit Neuendorf / France, Germany
    Agnes Deil / HungaryMaria Matyja-Rozpara / Poland
    Aleksei Martyniuk / RussiaMarine Brossard / France
    Alvaro Aroca Cordova / ChileMatilde Marín / Switzerland/Argentina
    Anke Mellin / GermanyMerja Herzog-Hellstén / Finland/Germany
    Bengisu Uykusu / TurkeyMoritz Dornauf / Germany
    Benna Gaean Maris / StatelessNasim Mahdavi / Iran
    Bill Hill / USANina Sumarac / Serbia
    Blond Jenny / KoreaOng Leang Ren / Singapore
    Endre Gaál / HungaryPark Juyoung / Korea
    Fereshteh Alamshah / IranPaul Druecke / USA
    Hael Yxxs / GermanyPaulina Seguin Luna / Mexic
    Hu Jiamin / ChinaPeter J.M. Schneider / Germany
    Ilse Dreher / GermanyPierre Guilloteau / France
    Jean-Michel Rolland / FranceRobin Lasser / USA
    Johannes C. Gerard / Netherlands/GermanySandor Nagy / Hungary
    Julien Masson / FranceShivkumar K V / India
    Karim Alahkhani / IranStrijdom van der Merwe / South Africa
    Kim Dokyoung / KoreaThan / Korea
    IKo Seunghyun/ KoreaTomaz Hipólito / Portugal
    Laura Denning / UKToshihiko Shibuya / Japan
    Lee Jeongeun / KoreaToûa Heinonen / Finland
    Lee Malyong / KoreaWang Haoyu / China
    Leli Hoch/ Germany/South AfricaYing Chen / Taiwan
    Leonard Rachita / FranceYu Buck / Korea

    Nature Art Cube Exhibition

    《Nature Art Cube Exhibition》, which has been conducted as one of the indoor exhibitions of 《 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale》 since 2017, is a program that seeks to interpret and broaden awareness of nature in various ways of thinking and expression in a 12cm cube. In fact, dealing with nature in a limited space is not as easy as you might think, but on the other hand, because it is a limited space, paradoxically, you may be able to show more imagination.

    Exhibition Theme12x12x12+Nature
    Exhibition PeriodAugust 24 - October 31, 2024
    Exhibition VenueGeumgang Nature Art Center
    Artists208 Artists (206 Teams) from 36 Countries
    Artists 2024 Aarti ZAVERI / India LEE Kyungmee / Korea
    AHN Hyeon Dae / Korea LEE Sunju / Korea
    Alejandra COIRINI / Argentina LEE Yearnsoon / Korea
    Alejandra CUERVO / Mexico Leila FALLAH / Iran
    Aleksandra KMITA / Poland Lilian COOPER / Netherlands/UK
    Alexander MUNKHTUYA / Mongolia Lolita GRABAUSKIENE / Lithuania
    Alexandru PRIOTEASA / Romania Loreta SVAIKAUSKIENE / Lithuania
    Anca ION / Spain Lorna GREEN / UK
    Andrzej HOFFMAN / Poland LYU Junghee / Korea
    Anja MATTILA-TOLVANEN / Finland Maedeh VAKHIDEH / Iran
    Anna SLIWINSKA / Poland Maja MAZUR / Poland
    Annabella HOFMANN / Germany Malee NALEE / Thailand
    Arezu ZARGAR / Iran Maria MATYJA-ROZPARA / Poland
    Arvydas ALIŠANKA / Lithuania Maria TRILLIDOU / Cyprus
    Arzu ARBAK / Turkiye Marielle van den BERGH / Netherlands
    Ayse TULAY / Turkiye Marisa MERLIN / Italy
    Aysenur SARI / Turkiye Marta Claudia PRADO / Argentina
    Azar KHORSHID / Iran Martine PERUGINI / France
    Bara LEHMANN-SCHULZ / Germany Marzieh GOLESTANEH / Iran
    Bartosz FRACZEK / Poland Masoumeh VAHEDI / Iran
    Bengu Batu ERTUNG / Turkiye Matthew CHAVEZ / Mexico
    Bernd HALBHERR / Germany Mazyar MOSHTAGHGOHARI / Iran
    Bettina Erland JENSEN / Denmark Melquiades ROSARIO Sastre / Puerto Rico
    Birgitta VOLZ / Germany Mels DEES / Netherlands
    Birute SARAPIENE / Lithuania Meymanat BOSTANI / Iran
    Bogdan Adrian LEFTER / Romania MIHAILA Anca Niculina / Romania
    BURTEA Mihai-Catalin / Romania Milena MILOSEVIC / Mexico
    Cécile HUG / France Mohammad VAKHIDEH / Iran
    Cesar OLVERA / Mexico Monika M. KORONA / Poland
    Chinzorig RYENCHIN-OCHIR / Mongolia Monika ORTMANN / Germany
    Christine HUSS / Germany Muaiprom SONGRIT / Thailand
    Dana CATONA / Romania Narat KLINSUDJAI / Thailand
    Daniel AGUILAR / Mexico Nasim AREFI / Iran
    Daniela GUTIERREZ / Mexico Nasim MAHDAVI / Iran
    Despina OLBRICH-MARIANOU / Greece Neringa ZUKAUSKAITE / Lithuania
    Edda AKKERMANN / Germany Nina URLICHS / Germany
    Elahe ABDOLLAHZADEH / Iran Nung Kittisak / Thailand
    Elena RONDINI / Italy OH Euiseok / Korea
    Elijah SOFO / Ghana Onongua ENKHTUR / Mongolia
    Emanuela CAMACCI / Italy Orsolya ILLÉS / Hungary
    Erika TUMIENE / Lithuania Ovidiu IONESCU Constantin / Romania
    Eva-Annamaria LIHOR LAZA / Romania PANDELE Simona / Romania
    Farzaneh NAJAFI / Iran PARK Bumseok / Korea
    Farzaneh SANAEI / Iran PARK Chejoung / Korea
    Fateme POURZABIH / Iran PARK Jinsun / Korea
    Felisa AGUIRRE / Mexico PARK Joumok / Korea
    Fereshteh ALAMSHAH / Iran PARK Kyounghee / Korea
    Gilles HUGUET / France PARK Song / Korea
    GIM MinQ / Korea Patrick JONES / UK
    GOTHÁRD Erzsébet / Hungary Patrick TAGOETURKSON / Ghana
    Hamideh SOHANIFARD / Iran Paul POPA / Romania
    Hanieh KHODABANDEHLOO / Iran Paul VOCA / Poland
    Hanna ROZPARA / Poland Pierre GUILLOTEAU / France
    Heidi MCEVOY-SWIFT / UK Piotr PIWOWARSKI / Poland 
    HEO Soyun / Korea Piyanan RATTANAJAN / Thailand
    Himeko OTAKE / Japan Radoslav SULTOV / Bulgaria
    Hiristea COSMIN / Romania Ram BHUPAT / India
    Hirona MATSUDA / USA Riccardo MATLAKAS / Italy
    HONG Chungi / Korea Roberta VASILIUNIENE / Lithuania
    Hubert CANO / Puerto Rico Rumen DIMITROV / Bulgaria
    Hundefaenger KRD / Germany Ruta JASUTIENE / Lithuania
    HUR TaeJin / Korea RYU Jisun / Korea
    Ilse DREHER / Germany Sandor Zsolt NAGY / UK
    Ioana STELEA / Romania Sandra JULVE / Spain
    Ioanna KAZAKI / Greece Sanele SIKWANA / South Africa
    Irene ANTON / Germany Sascha POHLE / Germany
    Irina NOVIKOVA / Belarus  Sehriban Koeksal KURT / Turkiye
    Iulia DANCILA Maria / Romania SEO Yeokyoung / Korea
    Iulia-Adriana CARBUNARU LEFTER / Romania Sevgi AVCI / Turkiye
    Iwa KRUCZKOWSKA / Poland Shahrzad KAEDINEJAD / Iran
    Izabela WALCZAK / Poland SHIMOKOGAWA Tsuyoshi / Japan
    Jacqueline RODRIGUEZ / Peru SHIN Heejoung / Korea
    Jakub KOPACZ / Poland Shyam Sunder SUTHAR / India
    JANG Ukhee / Korea Sigute BRONICKIENE / Lithuania
    Jasleen SINGH / India SIM Kyeongbo / Korea
    Jeffrey FRITH / Australia Siou Ming WU / Taiwan
    Jelena JOVANCOV / Montenegro SivaKumar KAPPALA / India
    Jerry THUNGGALTIRTA / Indonesia SON Jeonghee / Korea
    Joel THEPAULT / France SON Minkwang / Korea
    Johannes C. GERARD / Netherlands/Germany SONG Inyoung / Korea
    Jolanta GALDIKAITE / Lithuania SONG Sangkook / Korea
    Josue COLON / Puerto Rico Sotos ALEXIOU / Greece
    Junchoa REN / China Soula PETROU / Greece
    JUNG Jaeheon / Korea Tania VERHASSELT / Belgium
    JUNG Jangjig / Korea Tanja MAJOR / Germany
    Justine OTTO / Germany Teodor LIHO / Bulgaria
    Kamil ODRON / Poland Thierry TENEUL / France
    KANG Jeonghye / Korea Toshihiko SHIBUYA / Japan
    Katarzyna GOLEBIOWSKA / Poland Tzvetelina MAXIMOVA / Bulgaria
    KIM DoKyoung / Korea UM Miyoung / Korea
    KIM Eunjee / Korea Uros USCEBRKA / Mexico
    KIM Gowan / Korea Ursula PAHNKE-FELDER / Netherlands
    KIM Jaeyeon / Korea Valentin BAKARDJIEV / Netherlands/Bulgaria 
    KIM Namhee / Korea Valentina STEFANESCU / Romania
    KIM Sangjin / Korea Vassiliki FALKEHAG / USA
    KIM Soonsun / Korea Waltraud MUNZ-HEILIGER / Germany
    KIM Yujung / Korea Weronika PENKIN / Poland
    Klaudia BORZECKA / Poland  WOO Soonlee / Korea
    Laetitia BARBU / Japan Yannis KOUTSOURADIS / Netherlands/Greece
    LEE Chuun / Korea YEO Heeone / Korea
    LEE Haei / Korea Yves SADURNI / France
    LEE Jeongeun / Korea Zhaobo YANG / China
    LEE Jiyoung / Korea Ziba PASHANG / Iran
    Lee Jongok / Korea Zofia KEMPFI / Poland
    LEE Joonhyung / Korea Zoltán BALÁZS / Romania
    LEE Jungdong / Korea

    YATOO Nature Art Four Seasons Workshop

    Period January 1 - November 30
    PlaceGeumgang River and so on, Okcheon Daecheong Lake, West coast etc.
    ContentNature Art Workshop based on the methodology of YATOO’s Nature Art

    Artist Presentation

    PeriodAugust 10 - 17
    PlaceSupsokmaru at Yeonmisan Nature Art Park
    ContentArtists’ presentation and discussion during the artwork production period

    Nature Art Seminar

    Datein October, 2024
    PlaceSupsokmaru at Yeonmisan Nature Art Park
    TopicArtists’ presentation and discussion during the artwork production period
    TopicYATOO Nature Art 40 Years
    Presentation Undecided
    Discussion Undecided

    ※ 주관 : (사)한국자연미술가협회-야투/ 주최 : 공주시 / 후원 : 충청남도